Weather and Temperature Libraries released!

By December 3, 2019 No Comments

Our last surprise before the new year is the release of our Weather and Temperature Libraries!

These libraries enable the ACM user to target content based on either the Weathertype or Temperature at the consumer’s current location. The Libraries use weather API to get the local forecasts which are known to be one of the best weather services in the world. In total there are 28 weather types and 91 temperature types to target.

ACM’s Libraries opens up possibilities to personalize your ads in a simple and effortless matter. With our latest weather and temperature libraries release you could for example; target winter jackets when it’s snowing and raincoats when it’s raining outside. Target salad dishes when it’s warm and above +20, but heartwarming buffés when it’s colder and below -1. Creativity usually pays off in both beautiful and high performing ads!

Images shows how the newly released Weather and Temperature Libraries look.

Other available Libraries

Other content targeting Libraries available are Geo & NDR. Geo targets content based on a consumer’s location on Country, County and Major Cities level depending on countries chosen. NDR is a collaboration between Adssets and Nordic Data Resources which provides audience segments based on postal codes. You can read more about the NDR collaboration here.

The Multimedia Library is a library that is not dependent on targeting requirements. It’s a simple storage library for easy access to content.