Oscar Wilde famously once said that conversation about weather was the last refuge of the unimaginative. Whether that was true or not at the time he said it is up for debate, but today, it is demonstrably rather the opposite.
Weather is a natural conversation starter that can, and often does, lead to insights about the people around us. Why? Because it is relatable. No matter who we are or where we live, we are all affected by it. At this very moment, people all over the world are longing for a refreshing, cold soda as the temperatures soar to immense highs or a comforting, warm cup of coco as the rain pours down outside.
Changes in weather have significant impacts on our consumption behaviours, be it hot or cold, sunny or rainy. Whatever the conditions, we can ensure your ad matches it.
Adssets’ Weather Targeting feature adds another layer to your extensive available geo-targeting options. You can:
- set a number of images within an ad to change depending on, for example, localized temperature, cloudiness or amount of sunshine,
- create multiple ads that do, or
- introduce an effect given certain parameters, such as steam appearing over a cup of tea as the temperature drops.
No matter which approach you choose, the end result will be a unique and relevant experience that engages users and speaks to their desires in that very moment, fully trackable through Adsscore.
Weather can be a powerful tool for the creative and imaginative. Embrace the changing seasons with Adssets’ new Targeting.