AT ADSSETS, we always strive for brilliant campaigns and creative excellence. In order to reach those goals, we ensure that our products are pioneering, advanced and highly effective while at the same time as user friendly as possible. If one prefers custom work, our teams deliver in remarkable turnaround times. Our clients’ success stories are what drive our own forward.
Although we are already proud of the ease and speed with which one can reach and receive answers from any of our employees, at Adssets we are always looking to improve and increase access. As a result, we are now introducing #AdssetsAnswers, a brand new way to get any questions, no matter how basic or advanced, answered in a highly personalized way.
Want to know how to optimise certain ad formats, create stories programmatically or simply see what our headquarters look like? Ask away! Our staff will be answering. You can send us any questions you have via e-mail (, LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter (@adssets or using the #AdssetsAnswers hashtag). The questions that are considered to be of most common interest will also be featured in a monthly video linked to via our newsletter.
The videos will be exclusively available to our newsletter subscribers. All questions featured will be answered without information pertaining to the person who asked them and, if sent via e-mail, cannot be externally traced back. Not a subscriber? Not a problem! Just send us an e-mail at
Introducing #AdssetsAnswers. What have YOU always wanted to know?