New ad decisioner for Demo sites

By May 20, 2019 No Comments

We are introducing a new feature that lets you create your own demo sites in ACM using ads also have created in ACM. The Demo site ad decisioner lets you select already created ads from any campaign and place them all onto one collective site. Each ad will display the ad/format name, the format image and available devices for each format. You can of course add your own background image, logo and texts to tailor the demo site to your needs. Clicking on any of the format images takes you to the demo page of the selected ad.

The Demo site is a great feature for media agencies and publishers, who want to create their own demo environment based on ACM ad formats. Demo sites can be adapted to fit any industry vertical or ad-type you want to promote. For example, video offers for the Real Estate industry. It’s also a great way of creating easily accessible examples for a pitch or presentation to potential clients.

So create your ow Demo sites in ACM by going to a campaign, enter the menu item to the left call Ad Decisioners and choose Demo Site. From there you can customize your site and add ads from all campaigns available on your account.

Below is an example of a Demo site:

Image shows example of a created demo site in ACM with ads also created in ACM.