Brand settings have been updated with a simplified UI.
Earlier this year we introduced functionality that made it possible to automatically apply a Brands visual identity upon creating new ads. The Brand identity consisting of colors, fonts, logos, text, etc. could be uploaded under ‘Brand’ settings. This functionality has slightly changed in this update to improve simplicity and efficiency.
The new and improved UI for Brand settings makes it easier to find what type of content you want to add or update, and actually upload it into ACM.
Panels are separating the different content types. Each panel (or type) contains an order of content uploaded. Starting with ‘Primary’, then ‘Secondary’, and then the remaining content. So each supported ad format’s ‘primary color’ for example, will be given the color of your choice under Color -> Primary.
But when adding content to a panel it also becomes available for the remaining elements compatible with Brand settings. As shown in the image below.
Automatic DSP click prefixes
With the update, a new option affecting your script/ad tag has also been introduced. The option makes it possible to choose your default DSP in Brand settings or when exporting scripts. By doing so, you enable newly created ad scripts to automatically replace ‘your_click_prefix’ with the chosen DSP’s click prefix.
This makes transitions between DSP’s smoother and also enables different advertisers/brands to ‘belong’ to a certain DSP.
Script export
We have also added the option of exporting scripts from ACM, both per ad and in bulk. You either click on the ad script you want to export and choose Export. Or you select all the ads you want to export scripts for in a campaign and click Script and then Export X ads. This will make the ad script transfer easier for you and the receiving end.
You will also be able to choose DSP for the exporting scripts, which will replace the ‘you_click_prefix’ text with the correct one on all exporting scripts. If you have already chosen a DSP under Brand settings, and it’s the same DSP for all chosen ads, the click prefix will already be switch to the preferred DSP prefix. If the chosen ads have different DSPs the click prefix for all ads will be empty.
The choice of DSP made when exporting scripts will not be saved until next time.
So to sum up
- We have simplified the overall Brand settings UI.
- Eligible content added can be used by elements of the same type.
- We have simplified the naming convention of content uploaded for a Brand.
- Possible to choose DSP in Brand settings or during script export, which automatically replaces ‘your_click_prefix’ with correct DSP prefix in the ads script/ad tag.
We will update custom templates and Brands already created shortly with the new naming convention.
If you want to know more about the update or want a walkthrough of the new UI, please contact us.