AS SEPTEMBER comes to a close, we can look back at the first month of #AdssetsAnswers, our Q&A in which you can ask us about anything, big or small, via e-mail and social media. Lena Sonnbrink, Graphical Designer in the Creative Development team, provides us with a few questions from the last four weeks and our answers.
Question: Why all-in on gaming?
Lena: “Adssets’ focus on gaming ads stems from a desire to make the gaming experience better both for advertiser and user. The gaming industry is cutting edge and that enables us to do really cool stuff and push our limits. It’s a win-win for all our clients. What we learn from gamification ad solutions we can use in any other industry.”
Question: What format is best for what industry?
Lena: “We can make any format work for any industry. However, one has always to remember that the most important thing for great engagement is to fill an ad with content that delivers a memorable message. Once the message and content has been decided upon, our ad formats can help you reach new heights.
So, to answer the question, the formats can lift any campaign in any industry. What’s best for your company comes down to the brand message and the impression you want the ad to create.”
Question: What is Retina?
Lena: “Retina means that the screen or device contains the double amount of pixels. For example, when creating ads for tablets or smartphones, we always make the images double the size while still maintaining the weight. When the ad is pushed down to fit onto a screen, the image becomes a lot crisper. In other words, while the image that you send to us may not look amazing when you send it, when it’s actually in the ad, it will look really cool!”
Have questions of your own? Just send them to us at!
#AdssetsAnswers. What have YOU always wanted to know?