This past Wednesday Adssets holds its first ever online event, called Info Talk, which consisted of a short and sweet demonstration of our outstream video ad format, the Rich Video, featured in ACM, our CMP platform with DCO qualities.
During the 10-minute long Info Talk, we talked about best practice when choosing the material. Also what to think twice about when building a Rich Video ad. We were also able to give participants valuable insight into how the ad format works behind the scene and how we will increase the effectiveness and make it more user-friendly as it develops over time in future versions.
Adssets want to start hosting these bi-weekly sessions in order to give ACM users a greater understanding and knowledge about the platform they work in daily. We want to teach people how to use and take advantage of all the beautiful ad formats and powerful features included.
In the future, we are also planning on hosting longer webinars about ACM. Webinars, in order to get a more in-depth view of the platform during one session. These sessions are meant to complement learn-by-doing, reading the ACM manual and/or asking out support chat for help.
Thank you to those who joined our very first live event! Our customers are what drives us to do better and bigger things and we love you for it. Keep a lookout in social media for an invitation to join our next session taking place in less than two weeks. See you then!