New ad format in ACM
Tiles is a new ad format in ACM that works in desktop environments. The big treat though is that this ad format works with your e-commerce data feeds!
Tiles are released in two versions. One for manual input of content such as text and images. The image sizes can be found in the Tiles ad specification available through the eye-icon in ACM.
The other version works with your e-commerce data feeds. Though both versions of the Tiles ad format look very similar, in the feed version the information is automatically added. In the unexpanded tile, the image, title and price can be seen. In the expanded tile a larger image, the title, description, the price can be seen. The data fields can not be switched with each other at this time.
Tiles is a Rich Media ad format for desktop environments that will give the consumer a quick preview of all items when first seen. If chosen as an option in the live editor, the ad format can automatically enlarge each tile for a couple of seconds until any engagement is made. Upon interaction, each tile can be enlarged for more information about an item. Upon click, the consumer can be linked externally to the clicked item.
View a live example HERE