Are you tracking your feed based ads using Google Analytics? Now we have made it easier for you to manage the UTM tracking parameters when creating ads in ACM through our new Google Analytics tracking component. Most feed-based ads use a deep link. That link sends the user to the correct product, game or destination that he or she clicked. With the new component available it’s easy to add and update UTM parameters. You can do it to any deep link without touching the link at all. Simply add the value you want to track for any of the parameters: utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_term or utm_content when creating the ad.
It’s also possible to make one or more parameters to be auto-filled. It can be done by the ad when the user clicks it. For example adding the name of the selected product, game or destination that the user clicked.
The UTM tracking component for Google Analytics is now available. Our new feature can be added to any feed-based campaign upon request.