Adsscore is more than just statistics
Adsscore was designed to give you a full view of your ads performance regarding the basics such as impressions, unique impressions and CTR, but also things such when, where and how. Adsscore can give you collected stats based on search criteria's or by bundling groups of ads together. All ads is also scored by performance per industry to let you know how your ad performances in regards to others within the same industry, hence the Ads-Score name!

Our widgets will adapt after your needs and wants
In Adsscore we introduce something we call Widgets. These widgets contains statistics about your ad in different ways. For example, in our Calendar widget you can see between which dates the ad ran and which day and time had the highest CTR.
When running an ad with feed connected to it a new widget will appear, showing CTR and impressions per object in the ad. Video ads also have their own widget showing how many impressions per viewed % and a lot more!
Improve performance by fully understanding your users
Adsscores widget will display how ever little or much you choose to know about your ads performance. All widgets expand into a more detailed view and modified links with specified widgets can be sent to clients by link. You can also download your statistics in Excel rapports.