AS WE inch closer towards the end of October and for some of us a weekend full of monsters, fairies, candy, tricks and treats, we open up a bag full of questions. #AdssetsAnswers, our Q&A in which you can ask us about anything, this month gave us plenty of queries regarding tools. Who better to answer them than the Director of Product Management himself, Niklas Billman?
Niklas Billman
Question: What differentiates viewable impressions, engaging impressions and visual impressions?
Niklas: “Viewable impressions refer to the ad having been in screen. It has, in other words, been visible. Engaging impressions are all about interaction, typically swipes or clicks. Multiple interactions in one impression still equal one engaging impression. Visual impression, lastly, mean that the consumer has laid their eyes on the ad. They are measured through reader panels equipped with Eye Tracking devices from Tobii. This solution is pretty much unique to Adssets and offers up a whole new currency for ad metrics.”

Question: How should I use Scheduled Update and Edit Link in Adsself?
Niklas: “The Scheduled Update and Edit Link functions were specifically designed with the user in mind. Scheduled Update provides a simple way for you to make changes even though you are away from the keyboard. It works just like any other change to the ad, but you schedule the time when it will take effect and go live. It works for any number of future updates too, so you can plan ahead to, say, change the creative material every few days.
Edit Link is a useful feature for anyone who wants to delegate the task to change an ad’s creative. You simply create an edit link via Adsself. Whoever receives the link can then edit the ad in question. This means that you can set your entire campaign up, buy inventory, have absolutely everything else ready to go and let creative designer set the creative content of the ad up in their own time. If the link should happen to fall into the wrong hands, you can just delete it in Adsself. The rights to edit the ad will automatically and immediately be revoked.”

Question: Why should I use AdsPlan over a DSP only?
Niklas: “AdsPlan is a tool that makes the process of planning and implementation of a programmatic campaign easier, faster and more efficient. It visualizes the inventory and ad solutions for you so that you can create the perfect plan without any need for deep knowledge. So we think that there are lots of good reasons to use it. However, it also comes with several advantages compared to only using a DSP. Within AdsPlan, one and the same tool, you can pick the right targeting, the right context and the right ad solution. A traditional DSP will not be able to do that for you.
We have proven that our ad formats work perfectly in programmatic environments. AdsPlan is a quite simply a natural way to incorporate them into the programmatic flow while creating benefits that a traditional DSP will not be able to provide.”

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