2023 Q1 updates in ACM, some of the things you don’t see, and some things are too small to show, but here are some of the highlights! 


  • Campaign data

Now you can extract campaign data directly in the campaign, go to the right corner of the campaign lane and click on the three dots and choose the date range which you want the data from, and click on download and you get the data in a .csv file.

  • Adtag bulk download to .csv

When you want to bulk download ad tags to upload to your DSP or Adserver we have now created the option to bulk download a .csv file.

  • Video streaming module

ACM Streaming Engine has been optimized for Google Chrome to seamlessly stream from low to high quality on all devices. Optimized for the highest viewability and quality!
We have improved and bug-fixed our video module a lot so you should see a nearly seamless start of the video streaming with high resolution.



In the Catalog

  • Feed Pause

ACM Catalog pauses feed updates if no ad has been active in the last 48h, To activate the feed you can manually go to the Catalog source line and click at the three dots at the right end and activate it or just activate the ad campaign again and the feed is automatically activated, it will take approx. 5-10min.

  • Optimize

In our optimization methods, we have launched two new AI optimization methods, 

  1. Enhanced AI – Optimizer: That runs time optimization using Click statistics for products and categories in the catalog. Reacts on market changes within minutes. Only to switch it on.
  2. Enhanced AI – Audience Optimizer: The run time optimization is based on the user’s characteristics (demographics, interests, …) for products and categories in the catalog. Reacts on market changes within minutes.

We have now run tests on live campaigns and we are amazed at the results they deliver.

  • Filters

To use the filter selection in ACM Catalog we have developed four different conditions when you choose the “Add Filter”, you can choose between Range, Greater than, Less than, or Exact to filter any element in your feed.

  • All elements in the feed

Now you see all elements in the feed as columns in “Catalog Source” and “Catalog” for easier filtering and optimization, 

  • Import settings between Catalogs

Copy added content and/or targeting data from one Catalog to another catalog using the same Catalog source. Not possible to import across Catalog sources.



The Templates

New Released Templates

  • Retail

A new template in the E-commerce family that is developed by the mid-European market and has an astonishing effect and results on e-commerce brands. 

  • Takeover & Top push

It’s a new Template in our IMPACT family that increases the brand attention that is developed to resolve and match most publishers’ requirements. Works both for I/O or programmatic bookings.



  • Display view video

Implemented an overlay option where you can insert an overlay in specific areas or places in the video, with functions such as fade in or out and insert items in specific time slots. The second change in this template is a button placed over the video.

  • Transformer Rich Video

Implemented an overlay option where you can insert an overlay in specific areas or places in the video, with functions such as fade in or out. The second change in this Template is a button placement over the video where you can manage to maneuver it in different directions.

  • Product Slider

A fourth size of 270×340 images is now implemented in the ad size to make it more usable for different images from the feed and for other markets.

  • Moments

We have done some facelifts in our family of social templates, Moments, with new sizes 300×300 and 320×320 and with some new features for design.

  • Chronicles

In our Social template family, we also improved the chronicles with new sizes and new options for design.


Soon released Template functionality in ACM.

  • ACM IMPACT Family

A new ACM Function for all IMPACT templates in ACM for our publisher to use has been developed and is under BETA test so we can introduce it soon for a smoother programmatic or I/O business. Let’s get in contact if you are interested and want to test as a publisher. 


If you want to know more about the additional updates, please contact us.